Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Bad Day

This day is a very bad day. When I wake up this morning, I quickly fixed my bed. I directly went to my bathroom and open the faucet, certainly bad, the water can't reach our faucet! In a shy manner, I proceed to our neighbor and I requested that I will take a bath in their bathroom.

When I was in my way going to school, I stepped a dog's shit, I certainly unlucky in this day!

In our last subject for morning session, our P.E. teacher told us to demonstrate the different basketball skills, we were graded according to how we demonstrate it. Its a bad luck to me! I really don't know all the basketball skills, because I don't specifically play basketball. In the demonstration, we are given 5 points if we done it well, but what i got was only 2 over 5. What a day is this! Certainly, a bad day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Alone:Without Friends

Its good to see people in one group, talking, laughing and doing such enjoyable things. Its good to see people happy and communicating to others.

All I know is that world is filled with happiness, but this time, I had realized that its not. In many times, I have joined an enjoyable meetings and groupings with my friends. But I now realize how world is bad. Friends they all hear very useful to us. But all I know this time is that, not they all are good, some just need me because of my intelligence an some make use of me for a such thing. They don't know how hard to find friends, they just mind they own self. Now I feel how to be independent , without friends. My friends they are all traitors they betray our friendship.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Happy Day

I woke up early this morning with a big smile. As usual, I did all my daily routines. From fixing my bed up to walking myself to school. As I arrive the school, every people that meets me on the way welcomes me with their smile. The feeling that everybody is very pleased to see you is very incomparable. I never forget to say "hi" to people that I meet to. My teacher also are very grateful I believe for I never dismay them with my everyday greetings. I believe that when you start a day with a smile, it'll never fade till the day ends. Indeed, this day is a happy day. And tomorrow is another day to meet and I swear I'll make it happier than today.

Life Science: Eating Healthy, Staying Healthy

To live a healthy lifestyle, scientists and doctors encourage us to eat more fruits, vegetables, and natural grains. They advice us to reduce the amount of fats in our diet. And limit intake of fats found in animal food products.

The food guide pyramid, demonstrates daily intake an individual needs to get the necessary nutrition while maintaining a healthy weight. The range of the number of servings allows the pyramid to be adapted to a person's age, size and other factors. For example, pregnant women and teenagers need more servings from the milk, yogurt, and cheese group than other people do.